Chinese women in traditional costumes in Hangzhou China.

Why Travel to China?

9 min read

Discover the vast and diverse landscape of China, a land where ancient traditions and modern wonders coexist, offering everything from the Great Wall's historical majesty to the futuristic skyline of Shanghai.

9 min read

China is a captivating destination that offers a unique blend of ancient history, vibrant culture, mouthwatering cuisine, breathtaking natural landscapes, and rapid modernization. Whether you're an adventure seeker, a history buff, a food lover, or simply curious about exploring new horizons, China has something to offer for everyone. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why traveling to China should be on your bucket list.

Understanding China's Rich History

China's history is steeped in ancient dynasties, each leaving a lasting impact on the country's culture and heritage. From the influential reigns of the Qin, Han, and Tang dynasties to the artistic achievements of the Ming and Qing dynasties, China's past is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. Exploring the remnants of these dynasties, such as the majestic Forbidden City in Beijing or the Terracotta Army in Xi'an, allows you to witness firsthand the grandeur and legacy left behind by these civilizations.

Statues of Terracotta Army in China.
Terracotta Army

The Qin Dynasty, for example, was known for its unification of China and the construction of the Great Wall. This monumental feat of engineering stretches over 13,000 miles, serving as a testament to the determination and resourcefulness of the ancient Chinese people. .

The Han Dynasty, on the other hand, was a period of great cultural and technological advancements. It was during this time that papermaking, the compass, and the invention of the seismograph were introduced to the world. These innovations revolutionized not only China but also had a profound impact on the development of civilization as a whole. Visiting the Han Dynasty tombs or exploring the ancient Silk Road trade routes allows you to delve deeper into the rich history and exchange of ideas that occurred during this era.

As you journey through China's history, the Tang Dynasty stands out as a golden age of art and literature. This period witnessed the flourishing of poetry, painting, and calligraphy, with renowned artists and intellectuals leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire to this day. Exploring the ancient capital of Chang'an, now known as Xi'an, you can immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural scene that thrived during the Tang Dynasty.

Colorful temple in Forbidden City in China.
Colorful palace in Forbidden City in China.
Statue in Forbidden City in China.
Forbidden City, Beijing

The Ming and Qing dynasties are often associated with the opulence and grandeur of the Forbidden City. This imperial palace complex, located in the heart of Beijing, served as the residence of emperors for over 500 years. Its intricate architecture, lavish decorations, and sprawling gardens offer a glimpse into the extravagant lifestyle of the ruling elite. Walking through its halls, you can almost hear the whispers of history and imagine the ceremonies and rituals that took place within its walls.

The Allure of Chinese Culture

Chinese culture is rich and diverse, encompassing a wide array of art forms, festivals, and celebrations. Traditional art forms such as calligraphy, painting, and porcelain ceramics are deeply rooted in Chinese history and continue to be cherished and practiced today. Engaging with these art forms, either by taking a calligraphy class or visiting a pottery workshop, can be an enlightening and enriching experience.

Man painting Chinese calligraphy in Beijing.
Chinese calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy, often referred to as "shufa," is not just a form of writing but also a highly regarded art form. It is a visual representation of the Chinese language, with each stroke carefully crafted to reflect the writer's emotions and intentions. By learning calligraphy, one can gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese language and appreciate the beauty of its characters.

Painting is another significant art form in Chinese culture. Traditional Chinese painting, known as "guohua," is characterized by its use of brush and ink to create delicate and expressive landscapes, flowers, and animals.

Porcelain ceramics, often referred to as "china," have a long and illustrious history in China. The delicate craftsmanship and intricate designs of Chinese porcelain have captivated people around the world for centuries. From the famous blue and white porcelain of the Ming dynasty to the colorful and vibrant designs of the Qing dynasty, each piece tells a story and reflects the cultural values and aesthetics of its time.

Decorated porcelain vase in China.
Porcelain in China

Chinese festivals and celebrations are a vivid reflection of the country's vibrant culture. Be it the colorful lantern festivals during Chinese New Year or the resplendent dragon boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival, participating in these festivities provides a glimpse into the traditions and values that are treasured by the Chinese people.

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is a time for family reunions, feasting, and celebrating the arrival of a new year. The streets come alive with vibrant decorations, red lanterns, and dragon and lion dances. Fireworks light up the night sky, symbolizing the warding off of evil spirits and bringing good luck for the year ahead.

Spring Festival in Yu Garden, Shanghai, China.
Colorful lanterns in Spring Festival in Yu Garden, Shanghai, China.
Spring Festival in Yu Garden, Shanghai, China

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It commemorates the life and death of the famous poet and statesman Qu Yuan. Dragon boat races, where teams paddle in long narrow boats to the beat of drums, are a highlight of this festival. The races are not only a thrilling spectacle but also a way to pay homage to Qu Yuan and promote teamwork and unity.

The Diversity of Chinese Cuisine

Chinese cuisine is renowned worldwide for its variety and flavors. Each region boasts its own unique specialties and culinary traditions. From the fiery spices of Sichuan cuisine to the delicate flavors of Cantonese cuisine, there is an abundance of options to tantalize your taste buds.

People buying street food in Shanghai, China.
Street food, Shanghai

Exploring street food markets, such as the bustling Wangfujing Snack Street in Beijing or the vibrant night markets in Shanghai, allows you to savor the authentic flavors of China. Whether it's biting into a steaming bowl of noodles, indulging in succulent dumplings, or trying exotic delicacies like stinky tofu or scorpion skewers, the culinary journey through China is guaranteed to be unforgettable.

China's Natural Wonders

Beyond its vibrant cities, China is home to some of the world's most awe-inspiring natural wonders. National parks such as Zhangjiajie, with its towering sandstone pillars that inspired the landscapes in the movie "Avatar," showcases the breathtaking beauty of China's landscapes.

View on towering rocks in Zhangjiajie National park in China.
Zhangjiajie National Park

The country's diverse geography also provides habitats for unique wildlife species. From the endangered giant pandas in Chengdu to the elusive snow leopards in the mountains of Tibet, encountering these incredible creatures in their natural habitats is an encounter like no other.

China, with its ancient history, vibrant culture, diverse cuisine, breathtaking natural wonders, and rapid modernization, offers an unrivaled travel experience. Whether you're savoring regional delicacies, hiking along the Great Wall, or immersing yourself in traditional festivals, a trip to China will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime. So pack your bags, and embark on a journey to discover the wonders that await in this captivating country.


Lizzie Z.

As a top level corporate executive, Lizzie embarked on a soul-searching journey of adventure and slow living, passionately sharing her insights as the founder of RLM.



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