Buddhist monks walking in Paro Bhutan.

Why Travel to Bhutan?

11 min read

A journey to Bhutan is not just a visit to a geographic destination; it's an immersion into a different way of life, one that embraces harmony, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all things.

11 min read

Bhutan, a tiny kingdom nestled in the mighty Himalayas, is a destination like no other. With its unique appeal, unspoiled natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and commitment to Gross National Happiness, Bhutan offers an unforgettable travel experience. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a history buff, a foodie, an adventure seeker, or simply in search of spiritual solace, Bhutan has something to offer for everyone.

Understanding Bhutan's Unique Appeal

One of the main reasons to visit Bhutan is its unspoiled natural beauty. With its breathtaking landscapes, verdant valleys, snow-capped peaks, and pristine rivers, Bhutan is a paradise for nature lovers. The country offers a diverse range of ecosystems, from dense forests to alpine meadows, providing a habitat for a wide variety of plant and animal species. Exploring Bhutan's national parks and protected areas, such as Jigme Dorji National Park and Royal Manas National Park, offers a chance to encounter rare and endangered species like the Bengal tiger, snow leopard, and black-necked crane.

Jigme Dorji National Park in Bhutan.
Jigme Dorji National Park, Bhutan

Bhutan's rich cultural heritage is another compelling reason to visit. The country is dotted with ancient monasteries, temples, and dzongs (fortresses) that provide a glimpse into its glorious past. The intricate architecture and vibrant artwork found in these religious sites are a testament to the Bhutanese people's deep devotion to their spiritual beliefs. Visitors can immerse themselves in the country's religious practices by participating in festivals like Tshechu, where masked dances and religious rituals are performed with great enthusiasm.

Masked dance at Dochula in Thimphu, Bhutan.
Masked dance at Dochula in Thimphu, Bhutan

Moreover, Bhutan's commitment to Gross National Happiness sets it apart from other tourist destinations. Instead of measuring success solely through economic indicators, Bhutan prioritizes the well-being of its citizens. This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of society, including education, health, culture, and environment, is given due importance. The government's emphasis on sustainable development and environmental conservation has resulted in Bhutan being recognized as one of the world's most eco-friendly countries.

Bhutanese boys in monastery.
Bhutanese lady in traditional clothing.
Bhutanese people

When visiting Bhutan, travelers have the opportunity to engage with the local communities and gain insights into their way of life. The Bhutanese people are known for their warm hospitality and genuine friendliness, making visitors feel welcomed and embraced. Traditional Bhutanese cuisine, with its unique flavors and use of local ingredients, is a delightful experience for food enthusiasts. Exploring the local markets and handicraft shops allows visitors to support the livelihoods of Bhutanese artisans and take home authentic souvenirs.

In addition to its natural and cultural attractions, Bhutan offers various outdoor activities for adventure enthusiasts. Trekking through the pristine landscapes, such as the famous Druk Path Trek or the challenging Snowman Trek, provides an opportunity to witness the country's beauty up close. Bhutan is also a popular destination for birdwatching, with over 700 bird species recorded, including the rare black-necked crane and the vibrant Himalayan monal.

People trekking to Tiger's Nest in Bhutan.
Mountain trail in Bhutan.
Trekking in Bhutan

Planning Your Bhutan Trip

When planning your Bhutan trip, it's important to consider the best time to visit. The months of spring and autumn offer pleasant weather and vibrant landscapes, making them ideal for exploring Bhutan's natural wonders. The spring season, which falls between March and May, is characterized by blooming flowers and lush greenery. It is a magical time to witness the rhododendrons in full bloom, painting the hillsides with vibrant colors. Autumn, on the other hand, spans from September to November and showcases a breathtaking display of golden hues as the leaves change color.

As for the must-visit places in Bhutan, there are several iconic destinations that should not be missed. From the iconic Tiger's Nest Monastery perched precariously on a cliff to the bustling streets of Thimphu, the capital city, each place offers a unique glimpse into Bhutan's beauty and culture.

Tiger's Nest monastery in Bhutan.
Tiger's Nest monastery, Bhutan

The Tiger's Nest Monastery, also known as Paro Taktsang, is one of the most sacred sites in Bhutan. Legend has it that Guru Rinpoche, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, meditated in a cave here in the 8th century. The monastery is perched at an altitude of 3,120 meters (10,240 feet) and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. To reach the monastery, visitors have to embark on a challenging hike that takes about 2-3 hours, but the reward is well worth the effort.

Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan, is a vibrant blend of tradition and modernity. Here, you can explore the bustling streets lined with shops selling traditional Bhutanese handicrafts, sample delicious local cuisine, and visit the impressive Tashichho Dzong, a fortress-monastery that houses the throne room of the King of Bhutan. Thimphu also offers a range of cultural experiences, including traditional archery competitions, mask dances, and vibrant festivals.

Big Buddha in Thimphu Bhutan.
City of Thimphu in Bhutan.
Thimphu, Bhutan

Another must-visit destination in Bhutan is Punakha, the ancient capital of the country. Punakha is known for its stunning Punakha Dzong, a majestic fortress located at the confluence of two rivers. The dzong is an architectural masterpiece and serves as the winter residence of the Chief Abbot of Bhutan. Visitors can explore the intricate woodwork, beautiful murals, and serene courtyards of this historic structure.

Punakha Dzong located in Bhutan.
Punakha Dzong, Bhutan

Bhutanese Cuisine: A Gastronomic Adventure

No trip to Bhutan is complete without indulging in its unique culinary offerings. Traditional Bhutanese dishes are known for their bold flavors and the use of local ingredients. From the famous Ema Datshi (chili and cheese stew) to the delicious Momos (dumplings) and Suja (butter tea), Bhutanese cuisine is a delight for food lovers.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Bhutanese cuisine is its emphasis on the balance of flavors. The traditional Bhutanese meal consists of a variety of dishes, each carefully prepared to complement one another. The combination of spicy, sour, and savory flavors creates a harmonious taste that is unique to Bhutan.

Cooking in Bhutan.
Cooking in Bhutan, © COMO Hotels and Resorts

For a truly immersive dining experience, consider trying out the unique dining options available in Bhutan. Imagine sitting down with a Bhutanese family, sharing a meal prepared with love and care. You will not only get to taste authentic Bhutanese dishes but also get a glimpse into the daily lives and traditions of the locals.

If you prefer a more adventurous dining experience, why not embark on a culinary trek? Bhutan's breathtaking landscapes provide the perfect backdrop for a picnic feast. Imagine hiking through lush forests, surrounded by towering mountains, and stopping to enjoy a delicious meal prepared by your guide.

Adventure and Outdoor Activities in Bhutan

If you're an adventure seeker, Bhutan will not disappoint. The country offers a plethora of outdoor activities to satisfy your adrenaline rush. Trekking in Bhutan's majestic mountains is a popular choice, with trails ranging from easy hikes to challenging expeditions. The pristine forests and national parks of Bhutan are also a haven for wildlife spotting, with opportunities to see rare species like the takin and the elusive snow leopard.

Bhutan's Spiritual and Wellness Retreats

For those seeking spiritual solace and inner peace, Bhutan's Buddhist monasteries provide a tranquil escape. From the impressive Punakha Dzong to the serene Taktsang Monastery, these ancient sites offer a serene environment for self-reflection and contemplation.

Bhutan is also gaining recognition as a wellness destination. The country's commitment to holistic well-being is evident in its wellness practices, which include traditional medicine, meditation, and yoga. Whether you choose to rejuvenate your mind and body through a wellness retreat or simply immerse yourself in the peaceful surroundings, Bhutan offers a unique opportunity for spiritual growth.

Blessing ceremony by buddhist monks.
Blessing ceremony, © COMO Hotels and Resorts

Another unique experience in Bhutan is the traditional hot stone bath. This ancient Bhutanese practice involves heating stones and placing them in a wooden tub filled with water and aromatic herbs. The hot stone bath is not only a therapeutic experience but also a cultural one, as it is believed to cleanse the body and bring good luck.

In conclusion, Bhutan's unique appeal lies in its unspoiled natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, commitment to Gross National Happiness, and range of experiences it offers. From exploring the pristine landscapes to indulging in delicious cuisine, embarking on thrilling adventures, or seeking spiritual solace, Bhutan has it all. So, why travel to Bhutan? The answer is simple - to experience a destination that will touch your heart and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.


Lizzie Z.

As a top level corporate executive, Lizzie embarked on a soul-searching journey of adventure and slow living, passionately sharing her insights as the founder of RLM.

